Preview color-blindness

Now from each palette preview, you can adjust the colors to simulate colorblindess.

Color blindness affects a significant number of people — as many as 1 in 12 men and 1 in 200 women. Although color blindness is typically the result of a genetic condition, acquired color deficiencies can stem from injury or disease. While not officially labeled colorblindness, as people age, their corneas typically turn yellowish, severely hampering their ability to see violet and blue colors.

Learn more about colorblindness at WebExhibits.

The ability to distinguish colors is arguably more critical today than at any time in human history. With ColoRotate, you can quickly check your palettes to be sure that everyone can differentiate colors. Red-green (Protan and Deutan) deficiency is by far the most common type of color-blindness. Tritan is very uncommon.


  • When you vary the brightness of a color (the height in the diamond), you increase the chance that people who are color blind can differentiate. To help do this, use the “L” slider from the “Lab” mode in the sliders mode.
  • Avoid colors which are exactly on the red-green axis. By using colors a little different from only pure red and green hues (e.g., use magenta and green, or red and aqua), the millions of people who have a red-green deficiency can still tell the difference between your colors.
Last Modified: 3-June-2009

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